Sisterhood #1 Vintage Psychdelic Lesbian Female Porn 1972 Sexploitation LSD 7036

Sale price $95.20 Regular price $119.00


DETAILS: Early lesbian psychedelic porn magazine by Ann Morgan. Circa 1972.

One of the most shameful truths in the history of American pornographic magazines is that despite the fact that tens of thousands of different lesbian titles were published during the Golden Age of Porn (1967-1992), there were less than a handful that were actually published by women catering to the female gay community. Nearly all of the titles that were published were compiled by male publishers and marketed towards the straight male audiences. The female models depicted in them were primarily straight or bi-curious women who played the role of female lesbians in order to satisfy the sexual curiosities and proclivities of male readers. Basically these magazines were produced by men with female models pretending to be gay and doing what the publishers felt male readers wanted to see. 

Sisterhood was a rare exception to this trend. It was an all female produced porn publication that originated in the San Francisco Bay area during the early 1970's. Not much is known about the series except that its publisher, Ann Morgan was an artist who was affiliated with the Radical Radishes, a progressive lesbian rights group with several chapters in California and New York. 

Morgan does an amazing job with the photography, background scenery and model presentation. Her attention to detail is pronounced. Notice how the models make-up is applied, how the props in the background are metaphors of female sexual empowerment and the rich vibrant colors throughout the sets. It's as if the magazine is something straight out of Alice in Wonderland. Contrast her vivid approach to lesbian pornography with the drab sets and uninspired models of male produced "all girl" porn and you begin to understand why this magazine caused quite a stir when it was first published. It's appeal is both sexual and artistic -- something that was sadly lacking in its male manufactured counterpart. Not surprisingly references to the magazine in underground zine's of the time show that it had a strong cult like following among both gay and straight audiences. A feat that has rarely been duplicated in the history of American porn.

There were only four issues published in the series. Too bad, as it was first rate and inspiring. This publication is literally unlike any other porn magazine you will find. Our highest recommendations.



Circa 1950-1980

Oxxbridge Galleries was founded in 1987 and specializes in vintage paper items. We are among the largest sellers of vintage adult magazines & nude photo art in the United States. We are always adding to our inventory. Visit the Vintage Erotica category of our  store for other items. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. You will be pleased by the friendliness and knowledge of our staff.  

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